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If it would have been Black Lives Matter Protestors at the US Capitol


If the protestors that stormed the US Capitol would have been Black Lives Matters protestors, the reaction by police would have been totally different.  Those insurrectionists were white and there was only a small police prescience.  With the inauguration only days away, security of the US Capitol grounds should have been top priority.  We have to be thankful, that event could have occurred while Biden was being sworn in.

I noticed from the news a few police officers only pointing their guns at the rioters.  If they would have been Black, officers would have fired several shots into the crowd.  Trump and those around would use that to degrade the Black community and charges of the ringleaders would have been more severe. 

I would further say that if Trump would have been Black he would not even have been elected President and if elected would have been impeached and convicted in the Senate.  I believe the 25th amendment would have been invoked against him.  This country has let Trump get away with a lot from the first time he came down those golden escalators and belittled Mexican immigrants saying they bring crime and drugs and are rapists.  Trump whipped his followers into a frenzy and they did his bidding.  Those rioters embarrassed this country and if they would have been Black we would never hear the end of it.

I don't condone this but what is worse some looting and damage or an insurrection where rioters storm the US Capitol and obstruct Congress and basically attempt a coup.


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